As well as the city’s parks, gardens and woodlands, there is an intricate network of alternative Green Infrastructure throughout the city. This is made up of Street Trees, verges, rivers, brooks and other small urban spaces.
Increased levels of Green Infrastructure is needed to alleviate Climate Change and to mitigate flood risk and so Salford City Council are pioneering a programme of works to change the way the city thinks of and provides green infrastructure. The Green City Programme is now in its second year and has some schemes on the ground to demonstrate what can be achieved.
The programme focuses on green infrastructure for the street; taking everyday examples that can be used elsewhere. It incorporates Sustainable Drainage using rain gardens, rills, enhanced tree pits and planting. The schemes give vital experience to those delivering schemes across the city and will become exemplars for other developers creating new public realm. They are a new standard.
The vision document and an example of progress so far are available to download through the links at the bottom of this page.
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