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Adult Social Care and Health Partnerships

The Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health is Councillor John Merry.

The Executive Support Member for Social Care and Mental Health is Councillor Mishal Saeed.

The Adult Social Care and Health Partnerships directorate brings together all the officers from Adult Social Care, Public Health and Adult Services working across the council and the NHS.

The remit of the directorate is a wide one but essentially, we are responsible for:

We form part of the Salford Integrated Care Partnership. This is the local system board, bringing together senior leaders for the NHS (primary, secondary, community and mental health), local authority (adults, children and public health) and the VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise) sector. The committee is also responsible for managing the Integrated Commissioning Fund between Salford City Council and NHS Greater Manchester (Salford) covering health and care in Salford.

Council departments

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