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Healthy ageing

In order to remain stronger for longer and to continue to enjoy a good quality of life with meaning, purpose and a sense of belonging, we need to remember to:

  • Exercise for 150 minutes a week, such as brisk walking or cycling. Aim to do strengthening exercises at least twice a week, such as heavy gardening, carry heavy shopping or resistance training
  • Stay connected so we do not become isolated
  • Plan ahead to give financial security for the added years
  • Maintain meaning and purpose, perhaps through supporting others
  • Stay resilient, keep learning and build cognitive reserves by stimulating our brains

Age Friendly Salford

Salford, as a World Health Organisation Age Friendly City, actively seeks to enhance the quality of life and improve the health of older people. The practice of Age Friendly Salford underpins the age friendly principles. If you’re new to the term Age Friendly and the principles of its work you can find out more in this helpful guide.

Age Friendly Salford is a collaboration of voluntary sector partners; Inspiring Communities Together, Age UK Salford and Salford CVS, funded by Salford City Council.

Age Friendly Salford works collaboratively with older people to keep them informed, safe, engaged and respected in their local communities. They encourage participation in social activities and host a weekly programme of activities, alongside many annual events. More information about their activities and events.

In addition, Age Friendly Salford publish informative videos and helpful guides on healthy ageing and age friendly communities. For example, last winter Age Friendly Salford published a helpful guide for keeping well in winter.

Go to the Age Friendly Salford website

Pension Credits

Have you checked if you’re entitled to pension credits? This could mean extra weekly income and access to a range of other benefits, including a free TV licence.

Useful services

Age UK Salford provide a range of support services for older people, this includes dementia support – more information about the services they offer is available on the Age UK website.

Further information

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