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Registered providers

All registered providers have a designated safeguarding lead who is responsible for safeguarding. If there is a safeguarding issue with the tenant of a registered provider contact should be made at the earliest opportunity with the designated person to discuss what help/support is available to try and resolve issues and to link into any multi-agency meetings.

All staff are trained in safeguarding, this includes operatives who are going into homes to carry out repairs – they are sometimes the eyes and ears of the community and are often the first, or only people going into homes of vulnerable households and can see things that cause concern. They have a duty to follow their organisations procedures and report all concerns.

It is essential to share relevant information with the housing provider at the earliest stage where there are issues/concerns in relation to the tenancy. Housing often get involved in cases at a later stage when households are facing a crisis or an eviction – this is too late.

There may be support available through the housing provider who have internal support services which are there to help their tenants keep their home.

Registered providers designated contacts for safeguarding and website information

Adullam Homes Housing Association (Liberty House)

Agudas Isreal Housing Association

Bolton at home (Arcon merged with Bolton at home on 31 March 2024)

Clarion Housing


Jigsaw Homes

Onward Housing

Great Places Housing Group

The Guinness Partnership

Howarth Housing Group

Irwell Valley Homes

Manchester Jewish Housing Association

Moss Care St Vincents Housing Group (MSV)

Pendleton Together (Together Housing)

Places for People (Salford Foyer)

Salix Homes

Salvation Army Housing Association (Abbots Lodge)



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