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Sign in or register for an accountThe housing sector in Salford has representation at key strategic meetings such as the Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB), the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP), Salford Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC), Salford Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) and Salford Community Safety Partnerships (CSP).
Safeguarding policies and procedures are in place to ensure that housing staff are clear about roles and responsibilities, when a safeguarding concern should be raised and when and how information should be shared – this should enable staff to respond appropriately when abuse and/or neglect is suspected or known.
Housing providers/services:
All organisations have a designated safeguarding lead – this role can be allocated to a senior manager, or may be a dedicated member of staff, who will usually make decisions about sharing safeguarding information with partner agencies when the need arises.
Abuse and neglect can be difficult to detect, but here are some possible warning signs:
If you have any safeguarding concerns about a member of a household, consider all members of the household and if there are children/adults that also need safeguarding when you raise a concern.