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Privately rented sector and safeguarding

Who are Regulated Services and the Privately Rented Sector Housing team?

Within the council’s Regulatory Services division there is the Privately Rented Sector Housing team who lead on ensuring minimum standards and promoting good management in private sector housing in Salford. The team deals with privately rented and owner-occupied properties and have a range of powers that can be used to address a variety of issues, and can also provide support and assistance to vulnerable households.

Support is available for households living in privately rented accommodation where there are issues such as property hazards/condition and a lack of repairs being carried out by the landlord. In these cases, the property condition checklist can be used with tenants to assist in identifying the landlords responsibilities and to indicate whether there is a role for the Housing Standards team to get involved.

Completed questionnaires should be sent to either: or

The lead practitioners for the Privately Rented Sector Housing team are Caren Green and Sarah Hughes who are based within Regulatory Services who will ensure a response to the questionnaire is received.

In addition to completing the property condition checklist, a complaint can be made on our make a complaint about your rented home or private landlord page.

What services can Regulated Services offer?

The service can also support in dealing with wider issues such as anti-social behaviour, neighbour disputes, pest control, etc and will always seek to work by agreement and with consent but if not possible will make use of the powers available to the service.

A main focus is on removing hazards and defects from properties and returning them to standard and this can mean making requirements on both landlords and tenants, for example. Where there is damp and mould in a home and around the management of condensation.

Regulatory Services have a statutory duty to look at a property in the round using the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) and where serious hazards exist, there is a statutory duty to take appropriate action and where statutory powers are used, this will usually involve formal documents provided with legal language being used.

How can Regulated Services assist with safeguarding?

In addition to the above, Regulatory Service also have a role to play in safeguarding vulnerable households and have a range of powers available to them, for example, where a professional is having difficulty carrying out statutory visits to the home; or where there are adult self-neglect and hoarding concerns. It is essential to make contact and involve officers in multi-agency meetings taking place in order to determine if there are powers that can be used and a role for Regulatory Services to be involved to seek the best possible outcome for the household.

The service can also support in dealing with wider issues such as anti-social behaviour, neighbour disputes, pest control, etc and will always seek to work by agreement and with consent but if not possible will make use of the powers available to the service.

Further information

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