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Apply or renew your Blue Badge

To apply for a Blue Badge, please click 'Apply for or renew your Blue Badge now' at the bottom of this page. The application form will allow you to:

  • Apply for a blue badge as an individual or organisation
  • Apply on behalf of someone else with their permission
  • Renew your blue badge up to 12 weeks before your existing badge expires.

Please have a copy of the following supporting documentation ready to upload:

Proof of your identity

We require one of the following proofs of identity:

  • valid driving licence with the applicant's name and current address
  • valid passport with the applicant’s name and passport number
  • birth certificate
  • marriage certificate/ divorce certificate
  • civil partnership/dissolution certificate
  • adoption certificate
  • Identity card for foreign nationals
  • HM forces ID card
  • Benefit award letter from Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) dated within the last 12 months
  • current bus pass

Proof of your address

We require proof of your address. You cannot use the same evidence you used for proof of your identification as proof of your address but you can use:

  • a current Council Tax bill
  • a valid driving licence
  • a welfare benefit award letter dated within the last 12 months (for example PIP, DLA letter, HMRC tax credit letter)
  • a current utility bill
  • a current Hospital letter
  • a current letter from social services
  • a current letter from the school
  • a current award letter from SPVA

If you have moved house in the last three years and your Blue Badge was issued by a council other than Salford City Council, you should contact the council who issued the badge to tell them your new address.

Proof of your qualifying condition

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - If you are applying due to a physical disability for example Arthritis or breathing problems. We will access DWP records to confirm you are in receipt of PIP and you are eligible through the ‘Moving Around’ mobility component.

If you are applying due to a non-physical disability for example Autism or Dementia. We will access DWP records to confirm you are in receipt of PIP mobility component and have obtained ten points specifically for Descriptor E under the “planning and following journeys” activity, on the grounds that you are unable to undertake any journey because it would cause you overwhelming psychological distress.

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Higher Rate Mobility Component - We will access DWP records to confirm you are in receipt of DLA higher rate mobility component.

War Pension or Armed Forces Compensation Scheme - A letter from the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) confirming your War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement or Armed Forces and Reserve Forces Compensation Scheme payment. If you have lost this letter you can telephone the SPVA on 0800 169 2277 for a replacement.

Registered Blind or Severely Sight Impaired - If you are registered blind, please provide a Certificate of Visual Impairment, signed by a consultant ophthalmologist.

Children Under Three - For a child under the age of three, please provide a paediatrician’s letter outlining your child’s medical condition and any special equipment they need to use.

Proof of your non-visible condition

Walking or Hidden Disability - if you are applying due to a walking or non-visible disability we will need evidence about your condition from a health or social care professional involved in your diagnosis, care or ongoing treatment. Please provide recent, specialist medical evidence which confirms diagnosis and describes the severity of the symptoms, mobility problems or other difficulties you face when making a journey.

Accepted forms of evidence can include (but not limited to):

  • Letters of diagnosis or follow up consultant letters
  • Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy Reports
  • Letters from Pain Centre, Falls/Balance Clinic
  • Letters from Speech and Language Therapy
  • Letters from Psychologist/Mental Health Team/CAMHS/Counselling Sessions
  • Full and most recent Educational Health and Care Plan
  • Evidence of specialist consultations
  • Current Care Plan from social care teams
  • Evidence of progression or advancement of the condition over time
  • Letters from professionals involved in the care of the applicant
  • Proof of current medication
  • Confirmation of PIP or DLA award
  • Evidence regarding reasonable adjustments at work/university due to ongoing medical condition
  • NHS/GP Medical records

Attendance Allowance is not a qualifying benefit for a Blue Badge.

You can upload your evidence as part of the online application. We recommend you do attach these documents as part of the online application so we can deal with your application efficiently.

A passport style photograph

You will need to provide a passport style and sized photo that has been taken within the last month. You can take this photo yourself using a mobile phone or tablet or you can ask someone to take one of you. The GOV.UK website gives examples of acceptable photographs. Your application may be delayed if your photograph isn't acceptable.

If you are unable to provide a photo you can visit your nearest Gateway centre or Broughton Hub after you have completed the application and a member of the team will take your photo for free.
We recommend that you attach your photo as part of the online application.  

Please also have your method of payment ready so you can pay the £10 fee. If you are renewing your badge, you will also need your existing badge number. We will refund any payments received for an unsuccessful application.

Alternatively, you can provide the supporting information and make payment within one month of completing the form by visiting our staff in your nearest Gateway centre or Broughton Hub. They can also help you if you are unable to apply online or experiencing difficulty when uploading your supporting information.

Failure to provide the requested information within one month or your application may result in a delay in processing or the application being refused. Please allow up to 12 weeks from making a successful application and providing supporting evidence to receiving your blue badge (please note this timeframe may change due to demand on the service).

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge now

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