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Organisational Badges

An organisational Blue Badge may be issued to an organisation who cares for and transports disabled people. The organisational badge is for the vehicle only and can only be used for this purpose.

Vehicles used for the transport of disabled people must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), as being used for this purpose under the Disabled Passenger (DPV) taxation class. The organisation must declare this.

When applying, please supply either:

  • details of the license, photo copy of the tax disc and insurance details
  • the same information as required for a DPV and insurance details

The organisation should specify:

  • why the organisation feels they need an organisational badge rather than using individual Blue Badges of people in their care
  • the number of qualifying disabled people they care for on a regular basis
  • the nature of the client group
  • how many badges they require
  • details of vehicles which have been adapted
  • the names of the drivers

Your organisation must declare that:

  • drivers must not use an organisational badge for their personal use
  • failure to comply will be a disciplinary offence
  • extreme breaches of these rules could lead to dismissal

The maximum penalty for an organisation who fail to comply with these rules is £1,000, and for the person(s) found guilty of such breaches is dismissal.

The issue of organisational badges is at the local authority's discretion. It reserves the right to withdraw the Blue Badge(s) from the organisation if:

  • there is clear evidence of serious and/or repeated breaches of use
  • applications are made by false representation
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