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Types of Entitlement

Expand the boxes below to find out who is automatically entitled to a blue badge and who may be entitled to a badge.

Automatic entitlement

You are automatically entitled to a Blue Badge if any of the following apply:

  • You receive the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and have obtained eight points or more under the 'moving around' activity
  • You receive the higher rate of the mobility component of DLA (Disability Living Allowance)
  • You are registered blind
  • You receive a War Pensioner's mobility supplement
  • You are a member of service personnel or a veteran who has been awarded a benefit (giving rise to entitlement to a lump sum at tariffs 1-8 inclusive) under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and have a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking (as assessed and certified by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency, known as the SPVA which is an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence) 
  • You receive the mobility component of PIP (Personal Independent Payment) and have obtained ten points specifically for Descriptor E under the 'planning and following journeys' activity on the grounds that you are unable to undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress.

If your PIP or DLA mobility component award is for less than three years, then your Blue Badge will run out at the same time. 

Once we have received your application, we can check with the DWP to confirm your Personal Independence Payment (for moving around) or Disability Living Allowance award (mobility element). 

Please note, there may be occasions where we will ask you to provide this information. If you need a replacement letter, please contact the DWP.

Discretionary entitlement

You may be entitled to a Blue Badge if you:

  • Have an enduring and substantial disability (expected to last longer than three years) which means you cannot walk, or which makes walking very difficult.
  • Have been certified by an expert assessor as having an enduring and substantial disability which causes them, during the course of a journey, to be:
    • Unable to walk
    • Unable to undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress
    • At risk of serious harm when walking; or pose, when walking, a risk of serious harm to any other person.
  • Drive a motor vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms, and unable to operate all or some types of parking meters (or would find it very difficult to operate them).
  • Are a parent of a child under the age of three years old and fall under either or both of the following criteria:
    • a child who, on account of a condition, must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around with the child without great difficulty
    • a child who, on account of a condition, must always be kept near a motor vehicle so that, if necessary, treatment for that condition can be given in the vehicle or the child can be taken quickly in the vehicle to a place where such treatment can be given.

Once the child reaches the age of three years old, a new application will need to be completed, and it will be considered under the automatic or discretionary criteria. The same applies for a new application for a child aged three and over.

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