Mayor’s Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund

Graphic featuring bee and map routes

Work has started on a Greater Manchester-wide programme to make journeys on foot or by bike much easier and more attractive. The network will be made up of more than 1,800 miles of routes, including 400 miles of Dutch-style segregated bike lanes, and will be the largest joined-up system of walking and cycling routes in the UK.

Once built, the network will better connect every community in Greater Manchester, benefiting 2.7 million people and making cycling and walking a real alternative to the car. See Bee Network map for Greater Manchester cycling and walking infrastructure proposals.

In support of this ambition, the Mayor of Greater Manchester has allocated £160 million to the Mayor’s Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund. This has been made possible thanks to the national government’s Transforming Cities Fund which is investing in public and sustainable transport to improve productivity and spread prosperity. In the first six rounds of bids, the following schemes in Salford have secured funding and the schemes are now being developed in more detail and in consultation with local communities. More information about each scheme will be published here as it becomes available. For latest information on the schemes, visit online public consultation via Commonplace.

A5063 Trafford Road

The works on the scheme are now complete. The project introduced new facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and made significant improvements to road safety for all users:

  • Every junction, crossing and bus stop along Salford’s two-mile stretch of Trafford Road has been improved and upgraded to ease traffic flow and make it safer for all users.
  • Extra pedestrian and cycle friendly crossings have been introduced and all crossings along the road are now controlled by signals to make them safer to use.
  • Twenty-five street lighting columns have been replaced and drains along the route cleaned and improved.
  • New segregated cycle lanes have been added and the point where cyclists cross the tram tracks at Furness Quay has been adjusted to make it safer.
  • The whole length of the road has been resurfaced with new, clearer road markings and signage and the road has been designated a red route clearway to keep traffic flowing. It means drivers who park on footpaths can be given a fixed penalty notice.
  • Every bus stop now has a shelter and high kerb to make getting onto and off buses easier and five new waiting areas have been created so passengers don’t block the paths. All the footpaths have also been re-laid.

The project cost £23.5 million with £7.3 million from the Mayor’s Challenge Fund, £10.5m from the Government's Growth Deal and £5.7m from Salford City Council, including £1.7m of developer contributions.

Broughton Cycleway Enhancements

A number of lessons have been learned from the existing cycleway scheme running along Great Clowes Street and Blackfriars Road, which was opened in early 2016. Enhancements informed by feedback from regular users and a stage four road safety audit have been proposed on the existing cycling and walking provision along the Broughton Cycleway to improve the quality and safety of facilities along the corridor. The cycleway will also form part of the Bee Network proposed for Salford City Centre Active Neighbourhoods that will ensure continuous, attractive, safe and connected routes to other MCF schemes. The proposed enhancements will include:

  • Surfacing improvements
  • Amendments to the light segregation to create a wider cycle lane and to enable easier maintenance
  • Improved and additional crossings
  • Changes to junctions and side roads to give cyclists more protection
  • Creation of bus stop by-passers
  • Review of parking arrangements near shops and measures to prevent drivers parking on the cycle tracks
  • Removal of the structural footbridge along Blackfriars Road near St Stephen Street and closure of Mount Street

Information showing more details of the proposals is available below:

  • Consultation leaflet for Broughton Cycleway Enhancements scheme
  • Scheme overview plan
  • Camp Street / Upper Camp Street / Great Clowes Street junction design proposal
  • Broughton Lane / Great Clowes Street junction design proposal
  • Sussex Street / Great Clowes Street junction design proposal
  • Silk Street / Great Clowes Street / St Simon Street / Blackfriars Road junction design proposal
  • St Stephen Street / Blackfriars Road junction design proposal
  • Typical bus stop bypasses

Broughton Cycleway Enhancements consultation:

Further information on the scheme and opportunity for you to have your say can be found on the Broughton Cycleway Enhancements scheme consultation page.

Chapel Street East Phase 1

The section of Chapel Street between New Bailey Street and Blackfriars is a key link into the city centre, however this route is currently dominated by motor vehicles. The proposed plans will make it easier and safer for people travelling on foot or by bike by providing protected facilities for cyclists and improved crossing provision for pedestrians along this route.

It will also enhance the street scene on Chapel Street by providing high quality cycle facilities, extended and improved footways along with new trees and planting.

Chapel Street visualisation
Visualisation of Chapel Street

Experience what it could be like to ride the scheme

VR Bike - Chapel Street from Clicks and Links on Vimeo.

A three-week consultation on these proposed changes was held from 21 June to 12 July 2019.

Download the Chapel Street East scheme leaflet from the summer 2019 consultation (Adobe PDF format, 3.5mb)

Chapel Street East Phase 1 consultation:
A three week consultation on the proposed changes was held in summer 2019 (now closed). Further information on the scheme from the consultation exercise, including a virtual reality ride through, can be found on the Chapel Street East scheme consultation page.

Chapel Street/Trinity Way Junction improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Currently the junction of Trinity Way and Chapel Street can be a barrier for those walking and cycling along Chapel Street, and between adjacent neighbourhoods and the city centre. The junction is difficult to navigate safely for cyclists and requires a high level of cycle confidence. The pedestrian experience is poor with substandard crossing facilities and a lack of controlled crossings on some arms.

To address these issues, proposals have been developed for a scheme to provide better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists using the junction, improve safety and visually enhance the space. The proposed works feature an innovative CYCLOPS design which includes the following features:

  • Improved crossing provision for pedestrians on all arms of the junction
  • Segregated cycle crossing facilities on key cycle routes
  • Protected cycle lanes along Chapel Street and on Trinity Way
  • An extension of bus lanes on Chapel Street
  • Additional green infrastructure where space permits
  • Closure of Saint Stephen Street to traffic except cycles (subject to the outcomes of consultation/trial on the City Centre Bee Network scheme

The scheme is currently undergoing detailed design.

Chapel Street/Trinity Way Junction Improvement

Further information on the scheme including a project drawing can be found on Salford City Council's Commonplace page.

Gore Street Connection

Gore Street is in the heart of Salford City Centre. It sits between Chapel Street to the north and Salford Central Station to the south and provides a link between the city’s Inner Ring Road (Trinity Way) and the A34 New Bailey Street, a key city centre corridor and bus route.

Gore Street Connection is part of a wider project seeking to complete an integrated network of walking and cycling routes and public spaces in the city centre. This scheme has improved footways and carriageway and introduced new crossing facilities on Gore Street which enhance connectivity and safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The project integrates with adjacent developments and supports the opening of railway arches to establish a new link from Chapel Street to New Bailey as well as the wider Bee Network.

The works consisted of the following:

  • A raised pedestrian crossing
  • Footway and carriageway kerbing and surfacing works
  • Street lighting and electrical works
  • Drainage works
  • Landscape improvements
  • Signage and line marking

The scheme completed in summer 2022.

Further information on the Gore Street scheme including a project drawing can be found on Salford City Council’s Commonplace page.

Gore Street consultation:
A three week consultation on the proposed changes was held in summer 2020 (now closed).

Chapel Street East Phase 2

Continuing the facilities proposed for Chapel Street East Phase 1, the scheme would support the achievement of a high quality route for pedestrians and cyclists along Chapel Street and adjoining roads between Blackfriars Street and Manchester. This will include improvements to the junction with Blackfriars itself and facilities on Blackfriars Street. As an integral part of this approach, an improved route for pedestrians and cyclists can be created into Greengate.  

Salford City Centre Bee Network

The Bee Network would create an interconnected walking and cycling network across City Centre Salford, linking trip generators, providing routes across the River Irwell, negotiating railway infrastructure and connecting neighbourhoods old and new. Primary interventions include crossings, modal filters and minor highway realignments.

A package of schemes to support the implementation of a strategic plan for walking and cycling in the city centre. The proposals will establish an integrated network of routes through the creation of new walking and cycling routes, public realm, green spaces, new bridges and opening up railway arches for public access. 

Visualisation of Chapel Street area

Salford City Centre Bee Network Early consultation:

A five-week consultation on the proposed changes will be held from Friday 18 December 2020 to Friday 22 January 2021. Further information on the scheme and opportunity for you to have your say can be found on the scheme consultation page

Monton cycling and walking

Work has started on a Greater Manchester wide programme to make journeys on foot or cycling much easier and more attractive. Monton Cycling and Walking Scheme has secured programme entry to the Greater Manchester Mayor's Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund and this funding is required to support the transformation of this area of Monton for the local people, residents and people travelling across Monton.

Monton is a thriving local centre with cafes and bars popular with families who visit it as part of a day out on the traffic free cycling network. Several traffic-free routes converge in Monton, including the Bridgewater Canal, Roe Green Loopline and the soon to be completed Swinton Greenway. Salford’s key cycle network review identified that outside the major economic areas, Monton has the highest proportion of trips that are within cycle-able distance. Monton itself, however, is not pedestrian or cycle friendly with busy roads and roundabouts severing the traffic-free routes from the centre.

Monton Cycling and Walking scheme consultation:

A four-week consultation on the proposed changes will be held from Friday 22 October 2021 to Monday 22 November 2021. Further information on the scheme and opportunity for you to have your say can be found on the scheme consultation page.

Oldfield Road Corridor Walking and Cycling Enhancements

The Oldfield Road Corridor plan is an integral part of Middlewood Loop creating improved cycling and walking connections to the University of Salford and the Meadows and Peel Park. The corridor will also provide new cycling connections in to the Liverpool Street/Middlewood Street cycle corridor (NCN route 55) as the existing signal-controlled junction of Liverpool Street and Oldfield Road will be enhanced with pedestrian and cycle crossings on all arms.

A short section of the plan has already been delivered at Carpino Place which has included improved footways for pedestrians, a segregated section of cycleway, green infrastructure and sustainable urban drainage. The MCF scheme would implement the remainder of the Oldfield Road Corridor scheme extending between the A6 Chapel Street and the A57 Regent Road radial routes.

The proposed works will provide improved pedestrian and cyclist facilities along the Oldfield Corridor in order to:

  • Increase the number of people cycling and walking along and across Oldfield Road Corridor;
  • Improve safe and inclusive access to Central Salford by walking and cycling;
  • Be part of an integrated city centre strategy and Bee Network that connects neighbourhoods and communities;
  • Improve the quality of the immediate environment making it a better place to live, work and play;
  • Improve and reduce the environmental impacts, while at the same time significantly improving the aesthetics of an urban area and quality of life/health benefits for residents
  • Support regeneration and economic growth in city centre through the establishment of high-quality public realm.

Proposed details of the project include:

  • Continuous segregated cycle tracks in both directions from Chapel Street to Regent Road;
  • Improved crossing facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, including CYCLOPS junction of Oldfield Road with Liverpool Street and Middlewood Street;
  • Two Parallel signalised crossings for cyclists and pedestrians;
  • Improved quality of public realm with new paving, street furniture and lighting;
  • Sustainable drainage systems.
  • Trees and planting including rain gardens and wildflower grasses;
  • Proposed Electric Vehicle charging points;
  • Loading bay facilities for local businesses;
  • Parking bays for limited waiting;
  • Cycling Parking stands and cycle repair hubs;
  • Parking and waiting restrictions to ensure cycleways and footways remain clear.

The scheme is currently in the detailed design stage. Funding has been secured for the delivery of the project and construction works are planned to commence from Spring 2023.

Oldfield Road Corridor consultation:

A three-week consultation on the proposed changes was held from Monday 26 October to Monday 16 November 2020 (now closed). Further information on the scheme and project updates can be found on the Oldfield Road scheme consultation page.

Ordsall Chord Riverside Connection

The Ordsall Chord Riverside Connection scheme will provide a safe walking link that integrates with new public realm, opened up as part of neighbouring developments, and the wider Bee Network. The scheme will transform the riverside walkway into a safe, attractive and welcoming environment for local residents, workers and those accessing Salford Central.

This section of the towpath is in poor condition and has been closed off to the public for many years. It needs repair and improvements to make it safe for public access. The reconnection of this short section to the existing pathway that forms the Irwell River Park is the focus of this scheme.

Once completed this section of the riverside path will connect directly into Irwell River Park through planned new riverside routes and spaces on either side of the river.

Canalside walkway

Ordsall Filtered Neighbourhood

Ordsall Active Neighbourhood

The proposed project is to create an active neighbourhood in Ordsall where the movement of people is prioritised over the movement of motor traffic, which will reduce car dependency and rat-running, as well as improving the experience of travelling to public transport hubs. 

We want to hear your views

An early engagement for the public to provide views and opinions was held from 15 November 2019 to 31 January 2020. We have considered the comments received in this and have developed some initial design  proposals. We want you to be involved in any changes being made to your area, so that it meets what you ask for and we want your feedback on the proposals.

What is an active neighbourhood?

An active neighbourhood focuses on prioritising people and place over cars, using planters and benches to stop rat running on residential streets.

The changes typically create quieter streets for residents to chat and for children to play, as well as making trips to schools and to the shops safer. All residents will maintain vehicle access to their house, as well as access for emergency services.

What is a quiet street?

A street where through traffic is slowed down or removed to allow space for residents to play, chat, cycle, walk or scoot with focus being around the people that live in the neighbourhood.

We have developed the following proposals:

Colman Gardens/Phoebe Street

  • Quiet street approach to Colman Gardens and West Park Street incorporating improved pedestrian crossings and building out the footway to reduce carriageway width;
  • Sustainable drainage systems;
  • Public realm improvements including cycle parking, tree planting and seating;
  • Removal of the mini-roundabout at junction with Phoebe Street to be replaced with four way junction, road widths and radius’ reduced;
  • New controlled crossing to provide link to Primrose Hill Primary School.

Robert Hall Street

  • Bus gate on Robert Hall Street to filter through traffic whilst maintaining public transport and cycle connection.

King William Street

  • King William Street to become a “a quiet street” to improve walking and cycling links to Oasis Academy;
  • Raised table at junction with Broadway;
  • Widened footway with new trees planted;
  • Road width reduced;
  • Improved public realm area with seating outside entrance to Oasis Academy
  • Reduction of some school/parent parking.

Ordsall Lane and Taylorson Street

  • Connection from proposed East/West route utilising traffic free routes and quiet streets;
  • Toucan crossing at Ordsall Lane to provide connection to the Metrolink stop and Exchange Quay and link to entrance of Monmouth Park;
  • Potential for improved public realm on New Park Road;
  • Footway widened and junction radius decreased at Ordsall Lane/ Taylorson Street South junction.

Hulton Street to Trafford Road

  • Quiet street approach to Hulton Street to link to Trafford Road crossing;
  • Existing parking bays to remain.

Eccles New Road and Howard Street

  • Segregated link on Eccles New Road (part of NCN 55) from existing facility at the M602 roundabout to Howard Street including new signalised parallel crossing facility;
  • Quiet street approach to Howard Street providing link to Broadway;
  • Sustainable urban drainage systems;
  • 20mph speed limit on Howard Street;
  • Side road treatment – including building out footway, reducing the radius and providing improved drop crossings
  • Opportunities for tree planting/landscaping

Neighbourhood Crossings

  • Neighbourhood wide crossing strategy to create better walking and cycling connections.

Hulton Street visual

Ordsall Filtered Neighbourhood Early Engagement consultation:

A five-week consultation on the proposed changes will be held from Friday 18 December 2020 to Friday 22 January 2021. Further information on the scheme and opportunity for you to have your say can be found on the scheme consultation page.

RHS Links

RHS Garden Bridgewater opened in May 2021 and in its first year attracted nearly 400,000 visitors, making it already the second largest garden in the RHS portfolio.

Works have been ongoing for some time on creating a 6.2km walking and cycling route connecting Boothstown, Walkden and Worsley to the RHS garden and the scheme is now 85% complete. Works through the Worsley Park Marriott Hotel and Country Club are starting on site at the end of September and are due to complete by December 2022. Works to improve the route from the Bridgewater Canal to the RHS over Booths Hall bridge is also due to commence in Autumn and be complete early in the new year, marking the completion of the full 6.2km route.

The completed sections of the scheme are already extremely well used and the aim is to promote more sustainable travel options to the RHS in line with the RHS’s own values and those of the scheme promoters – Salford City Council, Peel L&P, TfGM and the Worsley Park Marriott Hotel and Country Club.

Two people cycling

Salford Innovation Triangle

The Salford Innovation Triangle contains three of Salford’s largest employers, The University of Salford, Salford Royal Hospital and MediaCityUK, providing over 50,000 jobs in total. The proposals will provide high quality cycling and walking connections including segregated facilities and the introduction of streets for all concepts from local centres to destinations within the Salford Innovation Triangle. Design options will be explored to remove the severance caused by major roads and a lack of existing cycling and walking infrastructure.

SBNI – Junction Enhancement at A6 Broad Street / B6186 Frederick Road

Similarly, this project will enable additional major enhancements, to a value of £275,000 for people travelling by bike or on foot at a major junction along the A6 that was already due to be upgraded as part of the Local Growth Deal Salford Bolton Network Improvement Programme.

Construction is scheduled to be completed by early 2023.

Swinton Greenway

Salford City Council is working with Transport for Greater Manchester to enhance the walking and cycling routes between Monton and Swinton, extending Salford’s award-winning traffic-free network.

The Swinton Greenway proposals include the route between Manchester Road and Monton Road, with several additional links to local schools, colleges and the wider community. The majority of the off-road path will be three to four metres wide, with lighting controlled by timers and/or movement sensors. On-road improvements for pedestrians and cyclists are also proposed, including localised resurfacing and improved crossings.

Example of pedestrian and cycle route
Typical image of an off-road pedestrian and cycle route

  • The scheme is currently out to tender, with tenders expected to be returned 18 June 2020.
  • The traffic regulations orders required as part of the project was advertised on site Thursday 18 June 2020, with the objection period running to 12 July 2020
  • The next key project milestone will be to submit the business case for the required funding. This is expected to be in August 2020.
  • We are currently expecting to start on site winter 2020, subject to business case approvals and with a 12 month construction programme.
  • As soon as we are able to provide more details on specifics, these will communicated to affected residents/ stakeholders

Download the Swinton Greenway scheme consultation leaflet (Adobe PDF format, 933kb)

Plans showing more details of the highway proposals are available below for the following roads:

Construction has started on site, scheduled for completion in Spring 2022. Get updates on Swinton Greenway.

Trinity Way / Springfield Lane Crossing

The junction is located on Trinity Way and currently has no pedestrian or cycling crossing facilities. There is an established population in the Irwell Riverside area that use the route already and this is likely to increase following construction of further residential accommodation as part of the regeneration master plan framework. The aim of this scheme is to make it safer and easier for people walking or on bikes to cross the busy Trinity Way corridor, providing a continuous route to create a complete bee network.

This junction improvement will feature CYCLOPS design technique, which is the creation of traffic signal-controlled junction that protects cyclists by providing an orbital cycle route that will separate cyclist from general traffic in space and time. The proposed works will provide pedestrian and cycle crossing facilities at the junction of Trinity Way and Springfield Lane in order to:

  • Reduce the severance impact of Trinity Way
  • Improve first and last mile access to public transport by walking and cycling (particularly to Victoria and Salford Central Stations and Shudehill bus station)
  • Reduce car dependency for short trips
  • Improve access to Manchester City Centre by walking and cycling
  • Enable the sustainable growth of the Regional Centre

Information showing more details of the proposals are available below:

Construction is scheduled to be completed before the end of 2022.

Map showing Trinity Way and Springfield Lane

Trinity Way/Springfield Lane junction improvement consultation:
A three-week consultation on the proposed changes was held from Friday 14 August to Friday 4 September 2020 (now closed). Further information on the scheme from the consultation exercise can be found on the Trinity Way/Springfield Lane junction improvement scheme consultation page.

Trinity Way - Irwell Street

The scheme seeks to address a gap in the Bee Network between proposals for the junction of Trinity Way and Chapel Street, and the Manchester boundary. The scheme would provide a series of footpath and cycleway links alongside Trinity Way, incorporating a CYCLOPS arrangement at the junction with Irwell Street. Irwell Street would be improved by carriageway narrowing to create segregated cycle lanes, footway widening and public realm enhancements. Improvements would also be made to Stanley Street as part of the Irwell River Park route.

The scheme is currently undergoing preliminary design.




This page was last updated on 3 February 2023

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