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Are you ready for an emergency?

Some emergencies happen without warning but there are some you can prepare for.

Here’s some tips on how to be ready just in case.


  1. Check if you live in a flood risk area:

Salford’s main flood risk areas are close to Worsley Brook in Worsley, where work has been carried out to lessen the risk, and the River Irwell in Lower Broughton and Kersal, where two giant flood basins protect homes and businesses. Despite this flooding could still happen, so it is important to be prepared.

You can check if your property could be affected and see both current and long-term risks near your home of business.

  1. Sign up for warnings or help:

If you are in a risk area sign up for free flood warnings by phone, email or text at or call the Environment Agency Floodline on 0345 9881188 to register

  1. Make an evacuation plan:

Flooding can happen very quickly after the first warnings are given so it’s best to plan ahead for flooding so you can react fast if the worst should happen.

Think about moving items to protect them, what documents, medicines and clothes you’d need to grab if you have to evacuate and where you could take family and pets to safety.

Power cuts

Power cuts can happen for many different reasons so it’s worth thinking about how you would manage during a power cut.

Sign up for help

Electricity North West has an Extra Care Register (formerly the priority services register) to make sure those who need extra help get support if the power goes off for any reason.

It’s free and simple to register and they can also alert the gas and water companies so if their supplies are disrupted you’ll get extra help from them too.  

You're eligible to join the Extra Care register if you:

  • have reached your state pension age
  • are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
  • are recovering from an injury
  • have a hearing or sight condition
  • have a mental health condition
  • are pregnant or have young children
  • have extra communication needs (such as if you don’t speak or read English well)
  • need to use medical equipment that requires a power supply
  • have poor or no sense of smell
  • would struggle to answer the door or get help in an emergency.

You may still be able to register for other reasons if your situation isn’t listed - for example, if you need short-term support after a stay in hospital. 

Electricity North West also has tips to help during a power cut.


It’s safer to use LED candles or wind up or battery powered torches than traditional candles. Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service has essential safety tips if you use traditional candles.

They also have general fire safety tips and fire safety leaflets in other languages.

Mobile devices

If advance warning of a power cut is given, make sure your phone and other devices are fully charged. A battery powered charger is useful.

Keeping warm

Several thin layers are more effective at trapping body heat than one thick layer.

Eating and drinking

If you know a power cut is coming, use thermos flasks to keep hot drinks, hot soup and hot water ready. If you rely on electricity for cooking, think about tinned or other food you can eat without needing to cook.

Keeping in touch

A battery powered radio can be useful for the latest information updates.

Problems with your water pipes?

Advice about what to do if you have frozen pipes. Including details of the United Utilities Priority Services scheme, offering additional support for customers who are elderly, in ill health, have a disability or mental health problems and those customers who may have financial worries or language barriers.


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