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Waste exemptions

Exempt waste operations originate from the Waste Framework Directive and have been in place for many years. Exempt waste operations are not unregulated but are subject to lighter touch regulation. Exemptions from the requirement to hold an environmental permit is used by the UK as a proportional approach to regulating some low risk waste recovery and disposal activities.

Article 4 of the Waste Framework Directive details the requirement for an operator to recover or dispose of waste without endangering human health and without using processes or methods which could harm the environment, and in particular:

  • without risk to water, air, soil, plants or animals
  • without causing nuisance through noise or odours
  • without adversely affecting the countryside or places of special interest

Waste exemptions and the local authority

Under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (the EP Regulations), schedule 3, chapter 3, section 2, any T3 and T7 waste exempt operations operating within the districts of Salford must be registered with Salford City Council. These are briefly described as:

  • T3 is the treatment of waste metals and alloys for the purposes of removing grease, oil or any other non-metallic contaminant by heating it in an appliance or appliances with a net rated thermal input of less than 0.2 megawatts
  • T7 is the treatment of waste bricks, ceramic tiles and concrete by crushing, grinding or reducing it in size but not including any treatment covered by a part B permitted activity as described in schedule 1, section 3.5 of the EP Regulations

Waste exemptions and the Environment Agency

All other waste exemption operations described in schedule 3 (with the exception of T22) of the EP Regulations must be registered with the Environment Agency.

Waste exemptions and animal health

Animal health is an executive agency of the Department of Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and they are the exemption registration authority for T22 waste exemption, the treatment of animal by-product waste at a collection centre.

When is a waste operation eligible for registering an exemption?

When the waste operation is listed in schedule 3, of the EP Regulations, and doesn't breach the Waste Framework Directive article 4 objectives and is not a directly associated activity of a part B activity, which are listed in schedule 1 of the EP Regulations.

Does my mobile plant need a permit or an exemption?

Some mobile plant is deemed too 'trivial' to require a Part B permit.

DEFRA guidance outlines that a trivial mobile crusher (or group of crushers) would one that has a crusher drive of less than 15 brake horsepower (or on aggregate if more than one crusher is used).

In the case of bucket crushers, a unit (or units) that has the total crushing capacity of less than 2 metres cubed may also be considered 'too trivial' for a Part B permit.

In the above two examples it is likely that a T7 waste exemption will be required rather than a permit. However it is recommended that you discuss this with us and you can contact us on the details at the bottom of this page.

How can I register my waste operation?

You can only register a T3 and T7 waste operation within Salford with Salford City Council using the T3 and T7 registration form. Salford City Council will issue your registration letter once the exemption has been accepted.

You must apply to register your waste exemption with Salford City Council using the application form at the bottom of this page. Please send the application form to

How long will it take to register my waste operation?

Salford City Council will make the decision to accept your registration within five working days and the register will be updated within this time. A letter confirming your registration will be forwarded to you.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge to register your T3 and T7 waste operation with Salford City Council.

Are there any restrictions on registering my exempt waste operation?

You cannot register more than one of the same exempt waste operations at the same place at the same time. No more than one company, establishment or undertaking may be registered at the same place for the same exempt waste operation at the same time.

Therefore any subsequent registrations for the same waste operation will become invalid. Only the first registered waste operation will be relevant until it is removed or expires.

If you are operating above the thresholds listed within the EP Regulations for each exemption then you must apply for a waste operation permit with the Environment Agency.

Making changes to your registration

If you make any changes, for example, change of address, change in the waste operation, changes to the primary contact, you must inform Salford City Council in writing using the T3 and T7 registration form.

Renewal of your registration

Your registration will be valid for three years and you must renew your registration before the registration expires. You can apply for a renewal of your registration up to one month before the expiry date. If you do not apply for a renewal before the expiry date, your registration will be removed and you will no longer be registered for that exempt waste operation.

Failure to comply with the regulations

Failure to apply for a registration or failure to renew your registration within the specified time, or failure to comply with the conditions of the registration is an offence, under Regulation 38(1), of the EP Regulations. The penalty for such an offence is, upon conviction in a magistrates' court, a fine and/or up to six months imprisonment or, upon conviction in a crown court, an unlimited fine and/or up to two years imprisonment.

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Who to contact

Environmental Protection
Environment and Community Safety
Salford City Council
Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5FJ
Map to this location

This page was last updated on 17 March 2021

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