Making a complaint about a school

If you are complaining about a school in Salford please access the school complaint procedure which can be found on the school website. Children’s Services are unable to respond about school complaints. 

Most problems and misunderstandings can be sorted out quickly by talking to your child's class teacher, your child’s head of year or pastoral leader, a member of the school leadership team such as a Special Educational Need Co-ordinator, Deputy Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher. You should explain the problem to the member of staff and ask them what they can do to help. You should also ask when they will give you an update. It is best to make a note of who you spoke to, when you spoke with the school and what was said in case you need to contact the school again. Hopefully the problem can be resolved at this point.

If you're not happy with the response you get after you have done this, make an appointment to speak to the headteacher. The meeting should be at a time that's convenient to both of you. Before you go to the meeting with the headteacher think about what you want to get out of it. This could be an apology, action to be taken or both.

If you're still not happy, you can make a formal complaint. All state schools should have a complaints procedure - ask the school for a copy or check on their website.

You'll usually need to email or write a letter to the headteacher and to the governing body telling them you're making a formal complaint. You'll need to explain the problem and why you're unhappy with what the school has done about it. You should keep a copy of everything you send.

If the school asks you to come to a meeting, you might want your child's other parent or a friend to go with you - tell the school if you want to do that. It's a good idea for one of you to take notes.

Citizens Advice also offers advice on many topics, including problems at school. Their website contains lots of information and advice.

Sorting out school problems - Citizens Advice

Suspected child abuse

These matters are dealt with by the Bridge Partnership who can be contacted by telephone on 0161 603 4500 or by via our online portal: Salford Children and Families Portal


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