How to fundraise for the Ceremonial Mayor's charities

The Ceremonial Mayor, Councillor Tanya Burch, is supporting a number of charities during her term of office.

She will also be running fundraising events in aid of the charities throughout the year.

If you would like to make a donation to the Ceremonial Mayor’s Charity Appeal, you can do this via Paypal.

Make a donation on PayPal

Please select ‘Family and friends’ when choosing who to pay.

Free donations to the Ceremonial Mayor's charities every time you shop online

  1. Visit the Ceremonial Mayor's Easy Fundraising page
  2. Sign up for free
  3. Get shopping - a percentage will then go to the Ceremonial Mayor's charities. It won't cost you a penny extra so please help us to raise funds.

Easy Fundraising

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This page was last updated on 28 May 2024

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