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Code of conduct

Registers of interests and of gifts and hospitality

The council has taken a number of positive steps in recent years to maintain and improve standards in public life. Key actions include the establishment of a standards committee and the adoption in September 2007 of a local code of conduct for elected members. Ahead of any statutory requirement it also adopted an employee code of conduct.

Both codes require that they are open for public scrutiny as the registers of interests and of gifts and hospitality.

Further information about the council's code of conduct can be found in the council's constitution, Part 6 - Section A.

Inspecting the registers

The registers of interests and of gifts and hospitality are available for inspection online or by appointment during normal office hours at the city council's main reception at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA.

This page was last updated on 21 March 2024

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