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A student's guide to keeping Salford clean

Let’s keep our city clean.

Managing waste effectively is key to keeping our city clean and a responsibility we all share. By following proper waste management practices, you play an active role in preserving our city for future generations.

Rubbish can also attract rats and other vermin, so it’s important that bins are put out at the right time and in the correct place, so that your rubbish is taken away and doesn’t build up.

What bins you should have

  • Black bin – household domestic waste
  • Blue recycling bin – paper and cardboard
  • Brown recycling bin – glass, cans, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays
  • Pink lidded recycling bin – garden and food waste

Find out what can go in your bins

Bin collection days

Find out when your bins will be collected

Please leave your bins out for collection before 6.30am on your collection day and take them in by 11pm. All bin lids must be closed. All waste must be contained within the bins, we will not collect any additional waste left at the side.

Tips for managing waste

  1. Sort it out: separate your waste into recycling and general waste bins.
  2. Reduce and reuse: Minimise waste by using reusable water bottles, bags and containers.
  3. Know your collection day: Find out your collection day
  4. Speak to your housemates: Make sure you and your housemates know who is taking the bins out for collection.

Request a visit from a Waste Awareness Officer

Waste and Recycling Officers work closely with the university and can help you:

  • recycle correctly
  • recycle as much as you can

Officers are also available to answer any questions you may have relating to your waste and recycling.

You can book at visit by calling 0161 793 2500 or via our online form.

Bulky waste collections

Do you have large, unwanted items to get rid of? We can pick them up from your home.

The minimum cost for a collection will be £48.50 for up to four items of bulky waste. Extra items can be collected for an additional cost.

Whether it’s old furniture or unwanted electronics, we’ll help you dispose of them responsibly.

Book your bulky waste collection

Fly tipping

Fly-tipping is a serious criminal offence which carries a fine of up to £50,000 (unlimited if indicted to the Crown Court). If waste is identified as yours, you could be fined or even face a prison sentence.

Salford City Council treats this problem very seriously and may prosecute anyone found responsible for illegal fly-tipped waste.

Report fly tipping here

Can you do more to reduce, reuse and recycle your waste?

Before you ask us to collect an unwanted item, can you:

Recycling centres:

  • Cobden Street Recycling Centre, Salford, M6 6NA
  • Lumms Lane Recycling Centre, Lumms Lane, Clifton, M27 8LN
  • Over Hulton Recycling Centre, Salford Road, Bolton, BL5 1DG
  • Boysnope Wharf Recycling Centre, Liverpool Road, Eccles, M30 7RH

Salford residents can use any recycling centre across Greater Manchester.

Find out more with Recycle for Greater Manchester’s A-Z recycling guide.

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