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Litter Heroes

Litter heroes in Salford

We’re on a mission to keep Salford tidy and to achieve a litter-free city and we need everyone’s help!

Dropping litter, fly-tipping, leaving rubbish in parks, streets and open spaces is extremely damaging for our environment and causes harm to local wildlife who also call our city their home. Nobody wants to see litter in our wonderful city, and we can all help stop it.

Everyone can help to keep Salford tidy!

Salford Litter Heroes is a voluntary organisation, promoting volunteers to pick litter to maintain pride in where they live. Some litter pick in local parks while walking the dog, others on team lunch breaks, and some join group litter picks with their friends and neighbours. There’s lots of ways to be a Litter Hero.

Salford City Council is working in partnership with Salford Litter Heroes by providing free equipment and removing bags of picked litter as quickly as possible.

If you find any dangerous or suspicious items, do not remove from site or touch. Please immediately report to Greater Manchester Police.

The Salford Litter Heroes group

Salford Litter Heroes are a community-led litter picking group determined to tackle litter and fly tipping in Salford.

Logo - Salford Litter Heroes

The group organise regular community litter picks across Salford. All upcoming litter picks are posted on the Salford Litter Heroes Facebook group.

You can also keep up to date by following the group on X (formerly Twitter) @SalfordHeroes and on Instagram @salfordlitterheroes

How you can get involved

Salford City Council work in partnership with lots of volunteers, residents, community groups, friends’ groups and voluntary organisations to clean up litter and make Salford a place for everyone to enjoy.

You can join in by becoming a Litter Hero. By signing up you will be given a free litter picking kit including a litter picker, hoop, bags and gloves.

Once a registered Litter Hero you can take part in local litter picks with other volunteers or look after your own patch self-guided. Simply use the white community bags provided and leave them tied up next to a council street bin for collection by Salford City Council’s street cleansing team.

If you collect more than 4 bags, please notify Salford City Council’s street cleansing team via the report it page so it can be removed safely. Please leave any bags of litter in a safe position so not to inhibit public use of paths or bus stops.

If you notice repeated bad litter spots or fly-tipping issues let us know via the report it page and the council’s Waste Awareness Team will investigate.

How to apply to become a Litter Hero

Anyone who lives or works in Salford can become a Litter Hero. 

Once registered, volunteers will be receive a free litter picking kit from Salford City Council.

Complete our online form to sign up

  • Step 1 – sign up to become a Litter Hero on our website
  • Step 2 – once registered you’ll receive your litter picking kit
  • Step 3 – join the Salford Litter Heroes’ movement by following the Salford Litter Heroes Facebook group to keep up to date on where the latest litter picks are taking place
  • Step 4 – take part in litter picks with Salford Litter Heroes, report any fly tipping through the council's report it form and help us to achieve our mission to reduce litter in our city!

Benefits of being a Litter Hero

By becoming a Litter Hero you can:

  • Help to improve the quality of the local environment
  • Help to make lasting improvements to your local area
  • Get great wellbeing and health benefits by meeting new people, spending time outdoors and improving your local community

To help you in your work as a Litter Hero, volunteers will receive:

  • Ongoing help and advice from the Salford Litter Heroes network
  • Free litter picking kit including litter picker, hoop, branded bags and gloves

Your questions answered

Can anyone be a Litter Hero?

Anyone who lives or works in Salford, aged 18 and over is eligible to become a Litter Hero.

Do you have to be a Litter Hero to take part in litter picks?

No, the community litter picks organised by Salford Litter Heroes are open for everyone to attend regardless of how little or long you can contribute. All equipment is provided unless stated otherwise on the event itself. However, to receive free litter picking equipment from the council, you must register to become a Litter Hero on the council’s website.

How can I get more bags/equipment?

When you run out of white branded bags or if you need to replace any equipment please email Please use the Subject LITTER HERO and give your full name; address; telephone number and details of the equipment you require.

How do I get white branded bags collected?

Up to four white branded bags can be left at the side of any street litter bin, however if there are lots of white branded bags generated from a litter picking event please use our litter bins or litter form.

Select the location on the map and use the subject 'Litter after an event or sport'. This request will then be passed to one of our street cleansing teams for removal.

How do I report issues to the council?

Anyone can report environmental issues to the council. To report issues, use the Report It form online. You can also tweet @SalfordCCHelp.

Examples of environmental issues to report include:

  • Litter and fly tipping
  • Dog fouling
  • Graffiti
  • Missed bin collections
  • Pot holes
  • Broken street lighting
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Noise nusiances

How often do I have to report issues?

Litter Heroes can report as many issues as often as you like.

How can I stop being a Litter Hero?

If you no longer wish to be a Litter Hero, please email Please use the Subject LITTER HERO and give details of your full name; address and telephone number and we will remove you from our database.

Litter enforcement in Salford

Visit the litter enforcement webpages to find out about litter enforcement in Salford

Further ways to get involved

Downloadable documents

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