Parking restriction suspension requests

If your require a suspension of restrictions for longer than two weeks (14 days consecutively), you will need to apply for a temporary traffic regulation order to request a temporary road closure.

If you require a suspension of restrictions for less than two weeks, please e-mail with your request giving at least 72 hours’ notice, exclusive of weekends. Your e-mail should include:

  • The proposed suspension location
  • Type of restriction
  • Maximum number of vehicles which will be parked on any particular day of the suspension
  • The dates on which the suspension will be required

The cost for a short term suspension of restrictions is £15 per day per vehicular space (roughly every two metres). This will include, where able to do so:

  • The placement of restriction suspension notifications over signage on site
  • The placement of cones at the kerbside by the council parking enforcement contractors
  • Where identified, the possible issuing of Penalty Charge Notices to any vehicles not permitted to park within your agreed suspended area of the public highway (in essence reserving the space for your sole use)

Where a parking restriction suspension may not suit your needs, you may wish to consider applying for a parking restriction dispensation.

Parking dispensations allow a particular vehicle to park temporarily where parking restrictions apply (for example double/single yellow lines/loading bays), possibly to allow for building works/removals etc to take place where close access to your vehicle throughout the day is needed. For further details regarding dispensations and how to apply online for one can be found at.

Parking dispensation request form

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