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A final gift, the recycling of metals

Salford bereavement charities are being given support from an unusual source.

After a cremation the ashes are likely to contain metals such as items used in the construction of the coffin or hip and knee replacement joints. In the past these metals were removed from the ashes and carefully buried in the grounds of the crematorium unless family members requested otherwise.

Now these metals are giving bereavement charities all over Europe much needed funds. Over £13,846,000 has been donated in the UK alone.

Agecroft and Peel Green Crematoria are part of a national recycling scheme initiated by the Institute of Cemeteries and Crematorium Management (ICCM.) The ICCM works with a Dutch recycling company to collect and recycle metals from each crematorium in the scheme across Europe, unless family members object. Any funds raised are donated to local bereavement charities.

Salford City Council Bereavement Service’s nominated charities are:

Year Charity Amount donated
2017 St Ann’s Hospice £5,000
2017 The Lullaby Trust £5,000
2018 Salford Age UK £5,000
2018 Salford Royal Hospital Macmillan £5,000
2019 Salford Heart Care £7,000
2019 Once Upon a Smile £8,000
2020 Bereavement By Suicide £10,000
2021 Broughton House £10,000
2022 St Ann’s Hospice £15,000
2022 Once Upon a Smile £12,000
2023 Salford Heart Care £12,000
2023 Andys Man Club £12,000
2024 Francis House £11,600

Metals can be returned to you if you prefer. Please request this before the cremation takes place.

Photos of some of the donations being made

Below you can see donations being handed over to the following charities, Broughton House, Once Upon A Smile, Salford Heart Care and St Ann’s Hospice. 

This page was last updated on 5 November 2024

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