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Highways works by utility companies

The council are not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by the Statutory Undertakers who provide details on proposed or existing street works which appear on this website.

See the location of the street works

You can use the interactive map produced by Transport for Greater Manchester to view all the street works in the city.

What are utilities required to do?

Before a utility commences work, they are required to serve notice on the highway authority. This is not permission, but is a coordination tool to allow the highway authority to 'use our best endeavours to coordinate the execution of the works'. This is done in the interests of safety, to minimise the inconvenience to persons using the street and to protect the structure of the street and the integrity of the apparatus in it.

Do we talk to each other?

The council holds meetings with the utilities every quarter to facilitate the coordination process, in respect of major works.

Who keeps an eye on them?

The city council monitors a percentage of these works by sample inspections. The works and inspections are regulated by codes of practice published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

What happens during the works?

As a highway authority, we require all utilities to display courtesy boards with all relevant contact names and numbers for public use. Utilities are also obliged to conform to the code of practice for 'Safety at Street Works and Road Works'.

What happens after they have finished?

Every excavation undertaken by a utility has a two year guarantee period during which if anything goes wrong the company concerned are obliged to repair it.

Useful contact numbers

  • National Grid - Gas - 0800 111 999
  • United Utilities - Water - 0845 7462200
  • Electricity North West - 0845 0500036
  • British Telecom - 0800 3289654
  • Virgin Media - 0800 0527259
  • Spotted a water leak? - 0800 330 033
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