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Barton-upon-Irwell conservation area

Designation date 1976
Boundary amendment dates 1987, 2002 and 2007
Area 5.83 hectares (14.43 acres)
Listed building entries 1 (within the Salford boundary)

Background information

The Barton-Upon-Irwell conservation area is centred on the famous Barton Swing Aqueduct which was constructed between 1890 and 1894 to replace Brindley's stone aqueduct of 1761 carrying the Bridgewater Canal across the River Irwell. The close proximity of this engineering masterpiece and the contemporary swing bridge is unique.

A map showing the boundary of the conservation area is available to download at the end of the page.

To the north the Bridgewater Canal and Barton Road lead into a pleasant area of late 18th and 19th century brick houses and shops and also the site of the former Barton Methodist Chapel. The three extensive graveyards (one fronting Barton Lane and two to the rear of the site) remain, although most of the gravestones have been removed to allow landscaping and car parking. Some Victorian monuments remain to the rear of the site. The village did not expand across the River Irwell partly because of the physical barrier, but mainly because the land was part of the park attached to Trafford Hall.

That part of the conservation area south of the Manchester Ship Canal (lying within Trafford Council's administrative area) is still used for agriculture, which originally was the main source of employment in the area.

Conservation area appraisal

In July 2007, the council adopted an appraisal for the Barton-upon-Irwell conservation area. This defines what is important about its character and appearance and identifies its special characteristics. It provides a basis for making decisions about the future management of the conservation area, helping to determine what might be appropriate development in and around its boundary. The conservation area appraisal and its associated documents are available to download at the bottom of the page.

Amendments to boundary 1987, 2002 and 2007

The conservation area was extended in 1987 to include an additional strip of land to the north of the Manchester Ship Canal and west of the swing bridges, together with the housing which occupied it.

In March 2002, Trafford MBC approved the reduction in size of the conservation area within their borough to the boundary of the graveyard at the rear of All Saints Church.

As part of the appraisal of the Barton-upon-Irwell conservation area, consideration was given to the review of its boundary. In July 2007 the boundary was amended, resulting in the inclusion of the bowling green adjacent to the Rock House Hotel, given this had links to the pub previously on this site. It also resulted in the omission of houses on Havenscroft Avenue, given they bear no relation to the historical significance of the conservation area.

Listed building entries within the conservation area Name Grade
Salford Barton Bridge, Barton Aqueduct and control tower (that part in Eccles) II *
Trafford Barton Bridge, Barton Aqueduct and control tower (that part in Trafford) II *
Trafford All Saints Church and Friary I
Trafford All Saints Presbytery I

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This page was last updated on 7 April 2016

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