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Roe Green/Beesley Green conservation area

Designation date 1970
Area 36 hectares (88.96 acres)
Listed building entries 3

Background information

This is the largest of the city's conservation areas and was designated by Lancashire County Council in 1970. Roe Green and Beesley Green were selected because their arrangement of open space and housing gives them the character of village greens, in contrast with surrounding industrialised settlements in south east Lancashire.

Originally Beesley Green formed the western end of Roe Green, a settlement consisting mainly of farms which bounded a roughly triangular area of common land. The separation of Beesley Green from Roe Green occurred in 1864 by the cutting of the railway. Beesley Green became so named as the Beesley family were farmers on this land for several generations.

During the latter part of the 18th century the settlement developed considerably and many of the buildings in the conservation area date from this period.

Both Roe Green and Beesley Green retain much of their original character with cottages arranged around the village greens. Part of the special interest of the conservation area is the extent to which its form and buildings reflect its historic development over time, from the Medieval period to the present day.

Conservation area appraisal

On 4 July 2019, the council approved and adopted an appraisal for the Roe Green Beesley Green conservation area. This defines what is important about its character and identifies its special characteristics. It provides a basis for making decisions about the future management of the conservation area, helping to determine what might be appropriate development in and around its boundary. The conservation area appraisal and its associated documents, the conservation area appraisal consultation statement and a copy of the report to the Lead Member for Planning and Sustainable Development are all available to download at the bottom of the page.

Amendment to boundary - 2019

As part of the appraisal of the conservation area, consideration was given to the review of its boundary. This resulted in the addition of properties on Hardy Grove/Lumber Lane and also on Lyon Grove as well as the exclusion of some properties on Wardley Hall Lane, Mulgrave Road, Manthorpe Avenue, Greenleach Lane and the exclusion of the woodland surrounding Manthorpe Avenue and land east of Crossfield Drive. A more detailed explanation of the changes to the conservation area boundary is provided in the report below to the Lead Member for Planning and Sustainable Development. The new conservation area boundary can also be viewed below. 

Listed building entries within the conservation area Grade
Beesley Hall, 250-252 Beesley Green/Greenleach Lane II
Kempnough Hall, 246-248 Kempnough Hall Road II
Littlewood and Sisley including adjoining stable block, Lumber Lane II

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This page was last updated on 12 September 2019

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