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Ellesmere Park conservation area

Designation date 1981
Area 16.13 hectares (39.92 acres)
Listed buildings entries 0

Background information

Ellesmere Park conservation area is characterised by late 19th and early 20th century residential properties that provide an atmosphere of spaciousness and grandeur. The area has an easily recognisable Victorian core, located to the south of Rutland Road and straddling Westminster Road, Ellesmere Road and Sandwich Road.

Within this core over 75% of the houses were built during or just after the Victorian era and are two to three storey detached or semi-detached residences, often with attics, that are particularly fine examples of their period. These properties, which are usually of generous proportions and set in large grounds giving a wide separation space between them, possess a strong vertical emphasis in design.

Later residential development of the inter-war and post-war periods is also well represented in Ellesmere Park. This more recent development which includes infill between the larger Victorian/Edwardian properties, together with isolated examples of redevelopment of cleared sites, has consolidated the area of older development.

In addition to the grandeur of the properties, the conservation area is characterised by the strong frontage enclosure of brick stone walls, long front gardens, the use of wide straight roads following a grid pattern and the presence of large numbers and interesting varieties of mature trees that were favoured in the Victorian era (many of which are covered by a tree preservation order). The latter are especially significant when, as is common throughout much of the area, they have been planted along the house frontage or within the verge to form an avenue of trees lining the road.

A map showing the boundary of the Ellesmere Park conservation area is available to download below.

In November 2006 the council adopted a supplementary planning document for the wider Ellesmere Park area. This provides further information on the character of the conservation area as well as design guidance to inform new development in the area.

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This page was last updated on 7 April 2016

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