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Benefit fraud

Benefit fraud costs the country billions of pounds each year.

Benefit fraud includes when people claim housing benefit and council tax reduction by giving false information or not telling the council promptly of a change in their circumstances.

Examples of benefit or council tax reduction fraud are:

  • People who work but do not declare this
  • People who claim as a single person but live with their partner or non dependant
  • People who do not declare their full amount of income, earnings, capital or ownership of another property when they claim benefit
  • People claiming from an address they do not live at
  • People who do not promptly advise of a change of circumstances

Your council tax bill can be reduced if you qualify for a discount or exemption. However if the information provided is false or the council are not told promptly of a change in circumstances you may be committing council tax fraud.

Examples of discount and exemption fraud are:

  • Claiming an incorrect discount for, eg claiming 25% single person discount when you do not live alone
  • Claiming an incorrect exemption for, eg claiming the property is unoccupied or occupied when it is not
  • Claiming to be a full time student when you are no longer attending the course

If you suspect someone is committing benefit or discount fraud please complete our online form.

Report benefit fraud online

This page was last updated on 19 June 2020

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