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Sign in or register for an accountThe Starting Life Well service hopes to bring you useful information on health and health related topics.
The pre-school years are an ideal time to establish healthy lifestyles and although parents have the main responsibility for their child's food, nutrition and physical activity, childcare providers also have an important role. Guidelines have been produced by Department of Health Northwest, for food, nutrition, play and physical activity for early years childcare and are available to download below.
Being regularly physically active is vital and it is especially important for children. Being active from the earliest months, as a normal part of daily life, can establish a positive pattern for their whole life.
Greater Manchester’s Greater Sport have produced Top Tips for Movement for Babies, Toddlers and Pre school and are available to download below.
The Infant and Toddler Forum, an independent group of experts in infant and child nutrition development, has launched a new website with a dedicated area for childcare professionals. The website now includes childcare information with factsheets, reports, and advice.
The government have published example menus for early years settings in England.
The Food Standards Agency has produce a Safer food, better business (SFBB) pack for registered childminders or childcares on domestic premises who provide meals and drinks for children in your care.
Children and young people's emotional health is everyone's business. Good parenting, quality experiences in school, leisure, and social support all help.
If you work or volunteer with children and young people you are best placed to recognise problems. The Emotional Health Service Directory is designed for you. You can use it to refer children and young people to appropriate services and get support.
The NSPCC have produced information to cover child mental health and how to recognise and respond. This includes information to support children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A factsheet is available from Department for Education that explains their interpretation of the legal requirements for the administration of medication to children in registered childcare.
Non-prescription medicines can include those that can be purchased from pharmacies (including some over the counter medicines which can only be purchased from a pharmacy), health shops and supermarkets. Further information about non-prescription medicine.
At present there is no standardised policy covering the responsibility of sunscreen re-application in nurseries and schools. The decision about re-applying sunscreen to children is made by individual schools and local authorities.
Giant Hogweed is a plant that produces phytotoxic sap. The sap contains photosensitizing furanocoumarins, which in contact with human skin and combined with UV radiation cause skin burnings. The intensity of the reaction depends on individual sensitivity. There is a fact sheet available as a download below which helps to identify this plant.
If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.
This page was last updated on 4 March 2021