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Sign in or register for an accountStarting Life Well aim to support all childcare providers in their duty to safeguard children. All organisations in England that work with or provide services for children and families have a duty to protect their welfare.
Greater Manchester Safeguarding Children Online Procedures Manual.
The Department for Education has published revised statutory guidance for professionals working with children: Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) which is available to download below.
The document sets out the legal requirements that health services, social services, police, schools and all other organisations that work with children must follow. This version replaces the 2015 document. The guidance is effective from July 2018 and provides a clear framework to help professionals understand what they need to do.
Providers must have regard to the guidance and all professionals should read and understand the guidance so that children's individual needs are responded to appropriately. The NSPCC has published a summary of the main changes from the previous guidance.
If you work with children and young people the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership website has a wealth of information and advice.
Did you know that from 1 January 2010, it has been a legal requirement that recruitment panels appointing paid school staff and volunteers into the children and families workforce should include at least one person who has been trained in safer recruitment. Ofsted will request evidence that each recruitment panel meets this requirement as part of their inspections.
The Department for Education (DFE) have information, advice and guidance on their website.
'12 steps to safer recruitment' is available as a downloadable document below.
If you have attended the basic safeguarding training and would like a refresher, there is now an e-learning course.
If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.
This page was last updated on 4 December 2024