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EYFS progress check at age two

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework (September 2012) requires that parents and carers must be supplied with a short written summary of their child's development in the three prime learning and development areas of the EYFS:

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development
  • Communication and language (when the child is aged between 24 and 36 months)

What is the purpose of framework progress check at age two?

The progress check has been introduced to enable early identification of development needs so that additional support can be put into place.

If there are any concerns about a child's development then practitioners and parents should consider all contextual information about a child before taking any further steps. For example, has the arrival of a new sibling in the family caused a child to regress to younger patterns of behaviour? Are there signs that the child is about to make a developmental leap in this area?

If a developmental or health concern have been identified, and actions agreed then the completed the action plan can be shared with the child's health visitor.

What should the progress check cover?

This page is an exemplar that enables settings to undertake the progress check in partnership with parents. The purpose of the exemplar is to stimulate ideas for how practitioners might approach the progress check. It is essential that practitioners inform parents and engage them in this process.

Practitioners and parents must gather the information that they will need to undertake the progress check and this will inform the conversation that parents and practitioners will have as they complete the progress check together.

Examples of information that may be gathered:

  • Photographs from setting and home
  • Parental knowledge of the child
  • Key person knowledge of the child
  • Observations from home and the setting
  • Anecdotes
  • Information from other professionals who may be involved with the child
  • Key events in a child's life, for example the birth of a sibling

There are a number of documents available to download:

  • The completion guide - an outline of how to complete the two year old check
  • Flow chart - a summary of the process
  • Parents leaflet - information for parents
  • Schema leaflet for parents - further information for parents
  • Blank progress check - form to use during the assessment

If you require any further support or information, please email the Starting Life Well service or call 0161 778 0384.

More information is also available from the Foundation Years website.

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