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Winter Support Payment

The City Mayor, in consultation with the Mayoral Team has taken the decision to provide residents who receive support under the Council Tax Reduction (CTR) pension age scheme, with a one-off Salford Winter Support Payment of £200, if they are currently not receiving Pension Credit.

Am I eligible?

If you or your household has been identified as eligible to receive a free Winter Support Payment of £200 from Salford City Council to help pay towards your heating bills over this winter period, you will have received a letter from the council in the post. If you have not received a letter from us, you have not been identified as eligible.

How to apply

To complete your application you will need the following:

  1. Your unique reference code which can be found at the top of your letter sent from us
  2. Your National Insurance Number
  3. Your bank account details 

Apply for the Winter Support Payment

Although this payment is aimed at residents not currently receiving Pension Credit we still encourage you to check whether you are eligible for it as any amount you get can result in entitlement to other benefits.

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