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Housing support

Helping you with the cost of living banner and Spirit of Salford logo

If you are struggling with housing costs, get help as soon as possible. Salford City Council offers a range of housing advice from finding a home to claiming housing benefit and affordable services to help you carry out minor repairs or to better insulate your property.

  • Salford Housing Options Point is Salford’s one-stop shop for all aspects of housing advice, including mortgage arrears and problems with debt and unaffordability of accommodation.
  • You can access free, impartial and confidential advice when dealing with rent/mortgage arrears by contacting Salford City Council’s Debt Advice Service. Visit our debt advice page or call 0800 345 7323 Mondays and Wednesdays 1pm to 4pm and Fridays 9.30am to 12.30pm
  • Salford Citizens Advice provide free, confidential and impartial advice to residents of Salford whether you are facing a crisis or just considering your options. The service can assist you with all sorts of issues, including money, benefits, housing or employment problems. Call free on 0808 278 7802 between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday or 0161 850 5053 between 6pm to 9pm every day.
  • You may be able to apply for a discretionary housing payment to help with rent arrears. Applicants must be receiving housing benefit and/or Universal Credit to claim.
  • The national Housing and Homelessness charity Shelter also offer a range of support, including housing advice and an emergency helpline if you are homeless or worried about losing your home in the next two months. Call free on 0808 800 4444, open Monday – Friday 8am to 8pm.
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