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Emergency assistance

Helping you with the cost of living banner and Spirit of Salford logo

If you’re in need of emergency assistance or in a crisis, you may be able to get short term support.

Salford Assist is a discretionary scheme that can offer temporary help to people who are in a crisis, emergency or major disaster situation as well as provide referral routes to longer term support. Check to see if you meet Salford Assist's eligibility criteria and fill out an online application form or contact the team on 0800 694 3695. The helpline is open 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Salford Assist doesn’t offer cash payments, but can consider your immediate needs and try to help with essential items such as:

  • a referral for baby milk, nappies or food for your baby and your family
  • essential furniture items, for example a bed, or white goods
  • help with emergency supply of gas or electric where there is no heating in the household
  • advice and referrals to another service, agency or fund
  • council tax support
  • copies of birth certificates for homeless people

Vulnerable households in Salford can also access support to help them with the cost of living and other essentials such as purchasing food and keeping warm through the Household Support Fund. Salford residents do not need to be in receipt of benefits to apply for this discretionary scheme, however applicants will need to provide evidence that they do not have the funds themselves to purchase the items requested. Please note that various information is required to complete the application such as your current energy supplier, a recent bank statement and Universal Credit Journal (where applicable).

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