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Health and wellbeing

Helping you with the cost of living banner and Spirit of Salford logo

If you need support to help manage everyday tasks, Salford City Council has a range of information available on our Health and Social Care webpages.

Salford’s Health Improvement Service offers a number of different activities and support systems for communities across Salford. Visit the Health Improvement pages to look at the wide ranging and varied services on offer or for any further advice or information, please call 0800 952 1000 (option 2) 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, or email

Travel and transport help

Find out what travel and transport support is available in Salford and throughout Greater Manchester to help you on our transport information pages.

NHS help

The NHS website has lots of advice about healthy living and information on vaccinations for adults and children. If you are offered a free flu jab by your GP, please take it up. Flu can make you seriously ill. Check all your family vaccinations are up to date too, including COVID-19. 

The NHS also offer a range of other important information around health and wellbeing, including:

Mental health help

  • The NHS Every Mind Matters has advice if you’re worried about money or work, plus lots of ways to improve mental health for both adults and children.
  • Qwell is an online community with qualified counsellors which offers free, safe and anonymous mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK. The service is available 12pm to 10pm on weekdays, and 6pm to 10pm on weekends.
  • Kooth offers online support for young people aged 11 to 24 years old up until 10pm every day.
  • Call Greater Manchester Mental Health on 0800 953 0285 at any time or the Samaritans on 116123.
  • If you or someone you know may be at risk of suicide see the Shining a Light on Suicide website. Hopeline UK is a service for young people under 35, it's open 9am to midnight every day. Call 0800 068 4141 or email:
  • Greater Manchester Bereavement Service can help to find support for anyone in Greater Manchester that has been bereaved or affected by a death. Call 0161 983 0902 for help in finding the right support, lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
  • 42nd Street is a Greater Manchester-based young person’s mental health charity providing free and confidential services to young people experiencing difficulties with their emotional health and wellbeing.
  • Mind In Salford is an independent, user focused charity providing vital services to make a positive difference to the wellbeing and mental health of local people. Services include welfare rights and debt advice plus mindfulness resources.

Always dial 999 in an emergency

This page was last updated on 27 February 2024

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