If you are telling us about something for the first time, please give us the opportunity to put things right before complaining by reporting the problem or by contacting us.
You may get an answer more quickly by using one of the following options.
What is the issue?
Council tax, benefits, business rates, Gateway centres and Broughton Hub
You can access lots of our services online, follow these links to find out more:
Council tax
We get a number of enquiries where people don't want to make a complaint they just haven't found out how to raise their query.
Some of these are listed below which you may find useful.
My council tax banding is different to my neighbours, why is this?
If your enquiry relates to the council tax band of your property then you can contact the Valuation Office (VOA) for help and advice.
Council Tax Reduction and housing benefit
Council Tax Reduction
The rules for Council Tax Reduction disputes and appeals are different to the rules for housing benefit claims. If you don't agree with a decision we've made, you can ask us to look at your claim again, and to provide a detailed explanation of our decision.
If we do not respond to your request within two months from the date we receive it you can ask the Valuation Tribunal Service to look into your dispute.
Housing benefit claims
If you think our housing benefit decision is wrong you have the right to:
- Ask for an explanation of our decision
- Ask us to reconsider our decision
- Appeal against our decision
Asking for an explanation of our decision
If you want us to explain our decision please contact us within one calendar month of the date on the notification giving our decision. You must:
- Identify the decision that you want explained (please quote any relevant reference numbers)
- Include the date of our decision that you want explained
- Provide signed authorisation - where someone else is acting on your behalf
Listed below are some other useful links.
Business rates
Gateways or Broughton Hub
If none of the above help there's more information about how to make an official complaint below.
Service relating to children, such as social care or a school
Follow these links to find out more:
If none of the above help there's more information about how to make an official complaint below.
Services relating to adults, such as social care, housing and health services
Bins, litter, parks and open spaces
Follow these links to find out more:
If none of the above help there's more information about how to make an official complaint below.
Roads, paths, planning, building, lights, parking and licensing
Follow these links to find out more:
If none of the above help there's more information about how to make an official complaint below.
Councillors, voting and council processes
If none of the above help there's more information about how to make an official complaint below.
Follow these links to find out more:
If none of the above help there's more information about how to make an official complaint below.
Drop in to see us
If you have tried reporting the problem and it has still not been resolved you can also drop into a Gateway Centre or the Broughton Hub to talk to us.
If you are still not satisfied you can make a complaint below.
Please tell us:
- if you feel you have been discriminated against or treated unfairly
- if you feel staff have been rude or impolite
- if you feel you've had to wait too long for a service
- if you feel the quality of the service hasn't been good enough
Can I get help?
You do not have to do this yourself; someone can do so on your behalf and be your representative or spokesperson. This person could be, for example, a relative, or friend, a member of staff or someone from a voluntary agency. The choice is yours.
Corporate complaints
We need to know what you think about our services so that we can improve them. You may have a concern or a complaint about a service or you may have a comment or compliment to make. We want to hear from you whatever you have to say.
Make a complaint
Alternatively you can make a comment or make a compliment.
Persistent and unreasonable complaints
We sometimes receive complaints or enquiries which can be deemed ‘persistent ’ or ‘unreasonable’. Some of these complaints can be costly to handle, or responding to them may be a disproportionate use of our staff’s time.
Deciding whether a complaint or enquiry falls within the persistent or unreasonable category requires us in each case to take into account the context and history of the complaint or enquiry. We will consider whether it is likely to cause unjustified distress, disruption to the service we offer or irritation. In particular, we will consider the following issues:
- Could the complaint or enquiry fairly be seen as obsessive?
- Is the complaint or enquiry harassing or causing distress to staff?
- Does the complaint or enquiry appear to be designed to cause disruption or annoyance?
- Does the complaint or enquiry lack any serious purpose or value?
The concern we will address is whether a complaint or enquiry is persistent or unreasonable in terms of the effect of the request on us and not whether the applicant is personally persistent or unreasonable.
You can download below our policy on the management of unreasonable complaint behaviour.
Website complaints
If you have any comments or complaints about our website only, please email webmaster@salford.gov.uk.
Report spam emails
Please use our report spam abuse form to inform us of any spam emails that you've received from any council owned domains.
Downloadable documents
If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.